How works...
1. Choose a test
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- 5 offers new and updated tests for 2019 - for both KS1 and KS2 - based on the latest government samples. Choose a KS1 or KS2 SPaG test if you’re preparing children for SATs. Alternatively, set one of our 80 tests that cover specific grammar objectives for each year group - from Yr 1 through to Yr 6.
2. Choose the children
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Once you’ve selected a test, choose
which children you’d like to sit the test.
Once the test has been set the children can
login and complete the test.
3. Children take the test
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To help familiarise children, each online test includes the full range of question stems: match, explain,
re-write, identify, write and complete. Each test also covers all areas of grammar, vocabulary and punctuation.
Alongside each question, a helpful tracking tool allows the children to track their progress through the test.

4. Class gap analysis
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View instant graphs of the whole group’s
results and quickly identify gaps in their
knowledge. Alternatively, choose to view
results by question stem and identify the
types of questions they struggle with.
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